Friday, November 18, 2011

11/18/11 Entry

Procrastination. Procrastination. Procrastination. Why, oh why have you taken over me?

Okay, so I actually started my first painting about 2 weeks ago and then I didn't write about it here. Oops.
It's looking really good, and I hope to finish it up this weekend.

I also drew up an outline of a plan. It really just a rough division of my time but I will post it here and probably on the side bar.

1st and 2nd weeks of November: Do first small painting.
3rd and 4th weeks of November: Do second small painting.

1st and 2nd weeks of December: Do last small painting.
3rd and 4th weeks of December: Start big painting.

January: Finish big painting.

February: Personal Statement (essay thing).

I know it seems like a lot of time to just paint, but i am really slow. Seriously. So slow. -.-
I already feel like I'm kind of behind, like I should be finished with this painting already. It's partly because I made this painting really realistic and I'm taking care to but in every little detail, which takes me a long time because I'm a big perfectionist. Also because I probably started later than I meant to. And then it's partly because I'm SO slow.

I've decided that the next two paintings, I'm going to change them up, do things a little differently. I'm going to paint them in different styles, especially one of them is going to be Impressionist style. It is a style of painting where you use a lot of paint, thick brush strokes, bright colors, and there is few small details defined. I think this is going to fix two things; a) It will take me less time, because i won't go crazy with the details and such, so it'll put me back on track. And b) I'll be painting in a way that I've never painted before, so it'll help me expand as an artist.

Monday, September 26, 2011

9/26/11 Entry

Okaii, so. On Friday i turned in my project proposal AND my mentor contract sheet. Go me. Yay.

So now, I'm flipping out about the research. Like seriously, who knew there were so many types of art supplies. And I'm seriously having doubts about deciding to paints in oils. I've never done that before, and with the research I've done, it seems so much harder than I thought. >:\
I think I'm going to practice a bit with the oils first and the see if i actually want to use them in my final product. I hope I get the hang of them because I really wanted to incorporate something that I'd never used in my project.
And I also started sketching and planing exactly what scenes I'm going to incorporate in my painting.
              Ahhh so much planning :P

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

9/20/11 Entry

Okay, so quickly checking in:

  • I pretty much know what I'm doing- just kind of the rough outline that i need for right now to start researching and stuff. I can work out the finer details as I go along...
  • The project proposal is due in 3 days, so i need to draw that up soon!
  • I asked the MYP coordinator at my school to be my mentor and she said yes, so now i have to draw up the mentor contract sheet thing.... (due OCT 7)
So, yeah....  I think I'm going to start drawing up a list of materials this week so I can go to the art store during the weekend, and kinda see how much I'm going to be spending for this project.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

9/14/11 Entry

Okay since I have pretty much and outline of what I'm going to do for my project, it's time to start writing the Project Proposal, cause it's due on Sept. 23rd!

  • Also, start to think about what materials I'm going to need, what they will cost, when I can go get them, will I have to start saving up $  -- RESEARCH!
  • Think about whether I will physically do the project in my house, or whether or not I could just set it up in one of the art rooms at school - ask teacher!
  • Think about when during my busy schedule will i have time to specifically work on my project. Weekends? - Think long term (whole year-wise)

  • Think about who I want to be my mentor. I'm thinking about asking the actual MYP coordinator...

  • Think think think!

The Beginning.

    So this blog is my process journal, and it's actually pretty cool considering we don't have to do our entries in those boring, standard black and white composition books. If we did, I definitely would not be as okay motivated to do this.  Because it is just now sinking in that I'm going to have to follow through with this (not one of my strengths) until May. Or is it March? Whatever.

...So, when all of this MYP project stuff started back in May of last year, I was like, omg I have all this time to think of something really cool to do for my project, and i really, actually wanted to do something cool. I wanted it to have a lasting effect that I would think about even when the project was over. And I had a lot of vague idea, like doing a sculpture or mural or something with my friends, but i wasn't too sure. But I didn't really care at that point cause I thought okay, whatever, i have ten months to think about it anyway. 
And I did discuss a couple of times with my dad, and he gave me this really intricate idea of something i could do, and it sounded really interesting and everything, but it just seemed like too much to do, and while i thought it was interesting, i just wasn't passionate about it. And, at first, I wasn't going to say anything because i didn't want to hurt his feelings or anything, but then i realized that my project wouldn't turn out as good as I wanted it to, if i wasn't 100% behind  the idea.

So, fast forward over the summer and onto the first week of school and into my art class 3rd period. I was working on a project with my friend Angela, and we were talking, and she told me that the proposal for the project was due on September 23rd. And I was like, Oh crap. Because this was like the 9th of September and I had no clue about what I wanted to do. So I started thinking about it.

I had always known that i wanted my project to be artsy, because that's what I'm best at, but i could just say, 'Oh, i want to do a painting, or a sculpture, or a collage, or whatever' because of course, then i'd have to say to myself 'well, about WHAT?' and that question was really hard to answer. Because I wanted it to be personal, but not so personal that nobody else would understand it. And I wanted it to be meaningful, but not so meaningful that it would be corny. Catch my drift?

So I spent a couple days talking to my friends, my parents, and my internet friends (: and I came up with a rough outline of what my product is going to be: I'm going to paint a big, long painting of the following: on the far left side, I'm going to paint a picture of Buenos Aires (the capital of Argentina) which is where my family is from, where I was born and where I lived until I was 5 years old. In the middle I'm going to paint a picture of the place where I live now and have been living in for the past 10 years, and on the far right side I'm going to paint a picture of probably New York, because that's where I want to live where I grow up. The three images are going to be kind of faded together on one long horizontal canvas. It kind of represents the past, present, and future, and the changes in my life.

There's still a lot of things that I have to think about, research, plan, and all together smooth out, but I think this is a good start. Wow, this entry is getting to be very long, but I guess all of them are going to be like this, especially since I'll probably keep most of my records on here anyway.

Okay, I'll post again next time there's anything to report. Or maybe just when I feel like it ;)

What is all this MYP stuff?

Okay so the Personal project is 'an independent assignment that can be on any topic and take any form as long as it has a strong connection to at least one Area of interaction (Health&Social Education, Community and Service, Human Ingenuity or Environment)'. I will be working on this project for many months.
The Project has three parts: the project itself (the physical product), the Personal Statement (fancy talk for essay), and the Process Journal (this blog), where I will make entries to record my progress.

I'm to have to decide what I'm actually going to do for my project. With that comes research and planning and lots of other things to do during my already busy schedule!

I'm also going to have to choose a mentor, who will guide me, give me feedback and assess my project at the end.

Ack! So much to do...